Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Last Updated: June 26, 2023

Weave Education, LLC, 是一家亚利桑那州有限责任公司(“Weave”或“we”),是一家提供高等教育部门数据管理解决方案的软件平台. Weave respects your privacy, 本隐私声明适用于Weave产品, 软件和服务(“Weave平台”)可在www上获得 (the “Site”), as well as your interactions with Weave, the Weave Platform, and the Site.

This Privacy Notice describes the types of personal data we collect in connection with the Weave Platform, 我们收集该等个人资料的目的, 我们可能向其披露个人资料的其他各方, 我们为保护个人资料安全而采取的措施, and our direct marketing practices. 它还告诉您有关您的个人数据的权利, 以及你如何cq9电子游戏爆分技巧来行使你的权利, update your information, 或者获得您对我们的隐私惯例的问题的答案.

Information We Collect

In connection with the Weave Platform, 我们向参与Weave平台的订阅者(“订阅者”)及其各自的用户和/或管理员(统称)收集某些个人数据, “Users”). 当代表订阅者或用户创建帐户作为Weave平台订阅过程的一部分时,我们收集信息. 我们主要从订阅者那里收集信息, 而不是直接来自与数据相关的个人. This information includes personal data, which is information that identifies, relates to, describes, or is reasonably capable of being associated with a particular individual or household. 我们也会在您访问时自动收集信息, 通过cookies等自动方式访问或使用本网站或Weave平台, pixels, 和网络信标,以便为您提供更无缝的服务. 自动收集的资料可能包括个人资料. 下面的cookie的使用一节更详细地描述了这些实践. Finally, we also collect personal data from third parties and publicly available sources.

We collect, 还是在过去的12个月里收集的, 来自个人或有关个人的个人资料类别如下:

Category Examples Collected
A. Identifiers. A real name, alias, postal address, unique personal identifier, online identifier, Internet Protocol address, email address, account name, Social Security number, driver’s license number, passport number, or other similar identifiers. Yes.
B. Personal information categories listed in the California Customer Records statute (Cal. Civ. Code § 1798.80(e)). A name, signature, Social Security number, physical characteristics or description, address, telephone number, passport number, 驾驶执照或州身份证号码, insurance policy number, education, employment, employment history, bank account number, credit card number, debit card number, or any other financial information, medical information, or health insurance information. Yes.
C. Protected classification characteristics under California, Virginia or federal law. Age (40 years or older), race, color, ancestry, national origin, citizenship, religion or creed, marital status, medical condition, physical or mental disability, sex (including gender, gender identity, gender expression, 怀孕或分娩及相关疾病), sexual orientation, veteran or military status, 遗传信息(包括家族遗传信息). No.
D. Commercial information. Records of personal property, products or services purchased, obtained, or considered, 或其他购买或消费历史或倾向. Yes.
E. Biometric information. Genetic, physiological, behavioral, and biological characteristics, or activity patterns used to extract a template or other identifier or identifying information, such as, fingerprints, faceprints, and voiceprints, iris or retina scans, keystroke, gait, or other physical patterns, and sleep, health, or exercise data. No.
F. Internet or other similar network activity. Browsing history, search history, 消费者与网站互动的信息, application, or advertisement. Yes.
G. Geolocation data. Physical location or movements. No.
H. Sensory data. 音频、电子、视觉、热、嗅觉或类似的信息. No.
I. 专业或就业相关信息. 当前或过去的工作经历或绩效评估. Yes.
J. Non-public education information (per the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (20 U.S.C. Section 1232g, 34 C.F.R. Part 99)). 由教育机构或其代理人保存的与学生直接有关的教育记录, such as grades, transcripts, class lists, student schedules, student identification codes, student financial information, or student disciplinary records. Yes.
K. 从其他个人信息中得出的推论. Profile reflecting a person’s preferences, characteristics, psychological trends, predispositions, behavior, attitudes, intelligence, abilities, and aptitudes. No.


In addition to the above categories, we may also collect nonpersonal information, including encoded information, anonymized information, de-identified information, aggregate information, publicly available information, 或其他无法识别您身份的信息.

Finally, as part of our information processing, we may collect or handle information related to students as part of administering our services. 学生资料只会被收集及用于管理服务, and is subject to all safeguards and rights in this policy including the provisions regarding access, sharing and security. 在某种程度上,我们处理构成“教育记录”的任何信息, as defined by the Family Educational Rights at Privacy Act (FERPA) located at 20 U.S.C. §1232g,我们支持机构遵守FERPA义务.

How We Use Information We Collect

We will only use the information, including personal data, that we obtain from or about you for our legitimate business purposes and in order to provide service to you. These uses include:

  • Providing the Weave Platform and Site to you by creating and managing your account, and responding to your inquiries;
  • 确认付款信息并进行会计核算, auditing, billing, reconciliation and collection activities;
  • 与您沟通有关促销和新产品或服务, 如果您选择接收这些营销通讯;
  • Assisting third parties you direct or request to provide products or services in connection with the Weave Platform;
  • 监控Weave平台和我们网站的使用,以执行我们的条款, 防止欺诈,遵守我们的规章制度, contractual and legal obligations;
  • Performing audits, research or analyses in order to maintain, enhance, 保护和改进我们的产品和服务;
  • 了解客户最常使用和首选的Weave产品或服务,以及客户如何与Weave产品或服务互动;
  • 创建和组装数据集和/或统计数据,以告知机器学习. We only use accreditation, institution and faculty data for machine learning; we do not use identifiable student data to inform machine learning; and
  • Compiling anonymous, 汇总数据集和/或统计数据,用于基准测试, development of best practices, and other research, statistical, marketing and commercial purposes, including without limitation, 共享资源库的创建和维护, provided that such aggregated datasets and statistics will not enable users to be individually identified.

Your Rights and Choices

我们为您提供选择,选择我们向您收集哪些个人数据, how we use that data, and how we communicate with you.

您可以避免向我们提交信息. However, 如果您选择不向我们提供个人资料, 您将无法在Weave平台注册,我们也可能无法向您提供有关Weave产品和服务的信息.

We support the right to request access to and receive information about the personal data we maintain about you, 更新和更正您个人资料中的不准确之处. If you have any questions about these rights or if you wish to exercise these rights, 请与您的教育机构联系, accrediting body, 或者与您的数据相关联的组织. If you are an educational institution, accrediting body, client of Weave, or otherwise believe that Weave has collected personal information directly from you, 请使用以下信息与我们联系.

We strive to provide you with portability of your data, where it is technically feasible. Weave平台允许您通过您的帐户仪表板以易于使用的格式下载和提取您的所有数据. 我们建议您定期从Weave平台下载并提取您的数据,以确保您始终能够访问Weave平台中维护的最新数据.


如果你对你的权利和选择有其他问题, 请使用以下信息与我们联系.

Information Disclosure and Third Parties


We disclose personal data to perform the services requested through the Weave Platform, 包括我们的服务提供商和附属公司. We require our service providers to only use personal data shared with them to perform services on our behalf, consistent with their legal obligations. 这些服务提供商必须适当地保护他们代表我们处理的个人数据的隐私和安全, 并且必须按照本隐私声明处理信息.

We may share aggregated and de-identified information with participating financial institutions and their customers. For example, we may share data to show trends about the general use of the Weave Platform. Weave also shares data with payment processors who process payments on our behalf.

We also may disclose personal data about you (i) if we are required to do so by law or legal process, (ii) if we are requested by law enforcement authorities or other government officials, or (iii) when we believe disclosure is necessary or appropriate to prevent physical harm or financial loss, or in connection with an investigation of suspected or actual fraudulent or illegal activity.
如果我们出售或转让我们的全部或部分业务或资产,则本隐私声明不再适用于您的信息, we will endeavor to ensure the successor entity uses information consistent with this Privacy Notice, unless you consent otherwise. Following such a sale or transfer, 您可以与我们将您的个人数据传输给的实体联系,询问有关该信息处理的任何问题.

Marketing Communications

如果您选择接收有关Weave产品或服务的通讯, we may send you communications that we believe may be useful to you in your business. 您可以随时通过点击我们发送给您的营销电子邮件中的退订链接或更改您的帐户设置来告诉我们不要向您发送营销通信.

How We Protect Personal Information

我们努力保持适当的行政管理, 为保护我们收集和保存的有关您的个人资料免遭意外或非法破坏而采取的技术和物理保障措施, accidental loss, unauthorized alteration, unauthorized disclosure or access, misuse, and any other unlawful form of processing. The types of measures we take vary with the type of information, and how it is collected and stored. 我们将对您的个人数据的访问限制在那些需要知道这些信息以便向您提供产品或服务的员工.

Data Retention

我们只会在向您提供服务所需的时间内保留您的资料. We will delete, de-identify, or aggregate any personal information about you if it is no longer necessary to provide the Weave Platform, 网站或Weave的其他产品和服务, 根据我们保留数据的法律义务.

Data Transfers and EU Residents

We may transfer personal information to countries other than the country in which the data was originally collected. 这些国家的数据保护法律可能与您最初提供信息的国家不同. 当我们将您的个人数据传输到其他国家时, 我们将按照本隐私声明所述保护该等信息. To offer our services, 我们可能需要在多个国家之间传输您的个人数据, including the United States, where we are headquartered. 我们努力遵守适用的法律要求,为个人数据转移到美国以外的国家提供充分的保障.

如果您是欧盟居民,并希望行使您的访问权, delete, or amend your data, 如果您希望我们停止处理您的数据, 或者,如果您想行使《免费送2000试玩金》(Regulation (EU) 2016/679)赋予的任何其他权利,请通过以下地址与我们联系. Please note that we will take reasonable steps to verify your identity before implementing your rights request, 包括要求你提供身份证明, if necessary.

State Consumer Privacy Law Rights (California, Virginia, Colorado, Connecticut, and Utah Residents)

If you reside in California, Virginia, Colorado, Connecticut, or Utah, 根据这些州通过的州消费者隐私法,您可能对您的个人数据享有某些权利. 正如上面你的权利和选择部分所提到的, you have rights to access, amend, review, 并了解我们收集的有关您的个人数据, and the right to have your personal data provided to you in a readily usable format, where technically feasible. 您还有权要求我们在过去12个月内与哪些第三方共享了您的个人信息. 你可以指定一个代理人为你行使你的权利. Please note that we will take reasonable steps to verify your identity before implementing your rights request, 包括要求你提供身份证明, if necessary. 因为Weave是信息的服务提供者或处理者, if you wish to exercise these rights or if you have questions concerning your rights, 请与您的教育机构联系, accrediting body, 或者与您的数据相关联的组织 so that we can process your request. If you are an educational institution, accrediting body, client of Weave, or otherwise believe that Weave has collected personal information directly from you, 请使用以下信息与我们联系.


Use of Cookies

我们的网站使用cookie自动收集您的某些信息, which may include personal data. cookie是一个包含少量信息的文本文件,它被下载到您的设备上,随后可以被我们的web服务器访问. 网络信标是嵌入在网页中并与网页一起下载的对象,该网页相应地提供有关查看该网页的信息. We refer to both of these technologies collectively as “cookies” throughout this privacy notice and section. 我们的网站使用以下类型的cookies:

Strictly necessary or essential cookies


The following information is placed in/collected through these cookies: session ID (to remember your credentials in the course of your session); and server affinity and authentication data (to establish and maintain communication with the most appropriate servers). 当您退出本网站时,会话cookie将被删除.

Persistent Cookies and Web Beacons

Third-party persistent cookies are used for web analytics purposes for Weave’s exclusive use, e.g.,用于管理和改进Weave平台的性能和设计. These may be provided by Omniture, Google Analytics, or such other similar companies. The following information is placed in/collected through the third-party cookies and web beacons: unique identification number assigned to your device; IP address; browser type; operating system; referring URLs; information on actions taken; dates and times of Site visits. 代表Weave通过这些第三方cookie和网络信标收集的所有数据都是汇总的,具有统计性质.

您可以通过更改浏览器的cookie功能来拒绝cookie. The “help” portion of the toolbar on most browsers will tell you how to stop accepting new cookies, 当你收到一个新的cookie时如何被通知, and how to disable existing cookies. However, if you reject these cookies, 您将无法使用Weave平台或网站, as these cookies are strictly necessary for the Weave Platform and Site to operate.

Updates to Our Privacy Notice

This Privacy Notice may be updated periodically to reflect changes in our personal data practices. If we make material changes to our Privacy Notice, we will endeavor to provide notice. Your continued use of the Weave Platform, the Site and/or Weave’s products and services constitutes consent to these changes. 本隐私声明的顶部显示了它最近更新的时间. Please check this Privacy Notice and the Site periodically to ensure that you are aware of any changes or updates.

How to Contact Us

如果您对本隐私声明有任何疑问或意见,或您希望我们更新我们所收集和保存的有关您的个人资料, or update your preferences, 请通过电子邮件help@weaveeducation与我们联系.com, or by writing to:

Weave Education, LLC
Attn: Privacy Manager
6166 N. Scottsdale Road, C-4003
Scottsdale, AZ 85253